I have now, at the last minute, submitted my appeal to Her Majesty’s Courts.
Stuff just got serious.
I got turned down at the Mandatory Reconsideration stage, due in large part to some person coming to my house and writing fiction/ticking off a list about me.
There were lies and then there were the downright lies. It’s one thing to assess my MS in less than 40 minutes (which is bizarre and actually completely impossible), it was another thing to doubt my witness.
So we are both wrong. And probably lying. As it happens, I am going through a particularly difficult MS flare up – not new, happens every couple of months or so (as reported).
Redial back, and after my Mandatory Reconsideration notice, I was willing (if I had the energy) to throw in the towel.
They didn’t believe me.
I had Alemtuzumab treatment, the strongest licensed treatment, at present, for MS. Three times, when we usually have two and that’s enough.
Each course costs at least £30,000.
I have a rapidly-evolving type of MS, hence the aggressive and brutal treatment. Basically, it removes your immune system. Easy?
Not really. Not at all.
And now, in amongst a further MRI to assess my MS, I am awaiting my day in court. And there was me thinking MS was brutal.