Happy 28th Birthday To Me!

birthdayI was diagnosed with MS four years ago this week.

If you’re anything like me, and each MS-diagnosed year feels like a dog year, then that makes 28 years I’ve had to get used to this.

And, whoah, do I feel every single one of those years.

Four years? Is that all?

But, as with any birthday, there is a lot to celebrate. Challenges? I’ve had a few. I’m still here. Bad times? Many, and I’m still here. Horrendous, vile, despicable times? Too many to mention but they are behind me now. This week is about having a look over how far I’ve come, not just about the hurdles I had to clamber over to get here.

The Teenager is thriving; he’s just finished his last exam, has actually hoovered his entire bedroom and emptied his bin and even decided to start cooking for us both a couple of nights a week, in preparation for university life. First up? Beans on toast. Yum. It’s the thought that counts.

Don’t tell the boss, but I love my job. The alternating work sites so I’m never bored, the camaraderie, the fresh air. I adore it. I can pick and choose my hours so medical appointments are never a problem. There’s no tutting or eye-rolling when I take a bit of time out to shake off the Uthoff’s or get to grips with foot drop.

I’ve just entered the dissertation stage of my master’s degree. It’s flown by and here I am. Completely unprepared and uncoached in academia-speak, but I will try my hardest. And when I hand over my hard-backed version to my tutor in twenty years, I will be beaming from ear to ear.

And last but not least, I have been through a major life-upheaval with my mum being ill. I found strength I never knew I had and thanks to my fabulous friends and family, I have navigated the ups and downs that a serious illness brings, only this time I am at the other side of it.

The downsides? I’m still working on my spontaneity – I can’t wait to say, ‘yeah, great, it’s 7pm, it’s a beautiful evening, of course I’ll join you’, or, ‘ok, macrame wasn’t quite what I had in mind for an exciting hobby, but, sure, I’ll give it a go.’

Or the usual gremlins – appearing drunk, tripping/falling over, wonky speech, dodgy hands, etc.

Yet for all that, I can’t quite believe how far I’ve come since the Bad Old Days of Deep Sorrow and Wailing. I think I am a kinder, more compassionate person and I appreciate every single positive thing in my life beyond measure.

MS might have laid down a challenge, but I challenged it right back.

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12 thoughts on “Happy 28th Birthday To Me!

  1. Michelle says:

    Happy Birthday!!

    • stumbling in flats says:

      Thank you! To celebrate, I have actually read my Book Club book and will be discussing it later this evening 🙂
      I’ve had to miss the last few, so I’m really chuffed to be going!

  2. Sue johnson says:

    Happy Birthday I hope you’re having a lovely day. What a very positive message. You should be chuffed with all your achievements x

    • stumbling in flats says:

      Thank you so much! An MS diagnosis is not the end of the world, although it definitely seems so at the time.

  3. Sian Roberts says:

    Great – just the thing! xxx

  4. Judy Epstein says:

    I love your writing!!

  5. Eerie Cris says:

    I seriously refuse to count my MS years in dog years…

  6. Kirsty says:

    Did you like the lemon drizzle cake?
    Happy birthday. Although I was diagnosed the day before my birthday so I guess I miss out on that extra day!!!! ? X

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