Without You, None of This Would Be Possible

totesAt last, the editing is over and I’m almost ready to publish my book – a collection of blog posts from the past two years in one handy format.

I’ve learned a lot from this process:

  • I mention chocolate way more than I thought.
  • My spelling and grammar have been appalling at times.
  • I still say ‘totes amazeballs’.
  • My kettle-bell is still my doorstop.
  • The Teenager still refuses to have an up-to-date photograph taken, meh.

Apart from that, it’s been an emotional time – reading and sifting through everything I’ve written, deciding what to keep and what to leave out (my cat’s not that interesting). I’ve cringed, but I think (hope) it’s the honesty that keeps it real.

However, one thing is more important than anything – a blog is only as good as the readers, you guys. You have been incredible. You’ve lifted me up through my darkest moments and laughed along with me through the good times. You helped me through my blip when I (briefly) stopped blogging. Your comments have been inspiring and thought-provoking. In short, without you, none of this would be possible.

So a totes huge thank you to everyone who Β has supported me and my blog.


p.s. anyone know how I can lose two stone before publication?

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36 thoughts on “Without You, None of This Would Be Possible

  1. tony cardis says:

    In the film can Robert DeNiro play my part πŸ™‚

  2. Tricia says:

    Cannot wait to buy, read, and tell all my family and friends BUY IT. If there is any small parts in the film I would like it please, I do all my own stunts, sleeping, tripping, falling over, you get it, don’t need paying, would do it for just the hell of it.

  3. Samantha says:

    I am so happy and excited

  4. Jan Jordyn says:

    MASSIVE congratulations, B – it’s about time your growing fan base had the chance to enjoy your wit and wisdom in one handy tome!

    I shall definitely buy a copy!

    Warmest, Jan x

  5. Sally says:

    I’ve read your blog posts. Still going to have to buy the book though, aren’t i ?

  6. Peter says:

    Hello Barbara, thank you for doing what you did. Your blog has brought comfort to many around the world. You surrounded yourself with amazing people

  7. Mary says:

    Congratulations! Hope you’ve got a fun publicity tour lined up – Looking forward to seeing you on The One Show!

  8. Jonny says:

    Hello B,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading your blogs and YES ! It has to be said……Your book is next on my list,


  9. Julie says:

    Your blog has inspired me and you personally, have changed my life for the better.
    My long awaited return to work after 18 years of raising the kids was blighted by the emergence of ms. I had to ditch my original plan and put everything on hold for a while before attempting to work out a new way forward.
    I didn’t know which way to turn or what to do.
    All I could think of was to get in touch with that nice lady who writes a blog. That’s you! πŸ™‚
    The advice you gave me was to go and see the Disability Employment Adviser. I didn’t know he existed!
    Cut a long story short (ish!), thanks to your help, I am currently being paid by the government/European Social Fund to work in an admin and reception role at the Citizens Advice Bureau. It’s only a 6 month contract but the value of the experience I am gaining by being there is priceless, it will be a great addition to my sparse cv.
    So thank you for writing your blog and for pointing me in the right direction in my hour of need.
    I hope your book sells well and I look forward to reading it. xxx πŸ™‚

    • stumbling in flats says:

      Wow, that’s so incredible to hear!!! I’m over the moon for you, so chuffed. And a role at the CAB is brilliant!
      Really happy to have played a little part in this; all us MSers are so supportive of each other, it’s wonderful.
      (I am actually crying…)

    • Peter says:

      That is incredible! Barbara, your blog has taken the MS World and turned it into an MS Community. As I stated before You have touched many around the world. Your book will bring more of the MS Family members into your community. I am sure your home is big enough to accommodate them all!!!! I believe everyone living with MS has been given an opportunity to grow and help our fellow MS members. You have succeeded in your Quest !!!! Never Quit! Never Stop! Keep Dreaming ! There is a person out their looking for you to give him/her a helping hand!!!

      • stumbling in flats says:

        Bless you, I’m going to start crying again, lol.
        We’re all part of a lovely MS community.
        I’ve got University at 5pm and am going to be very emotional πŸ˜‰

  10. tony cardis says:

    Lynda Carter because that’s what we think you are
    Mollie Sugden if its a comedy x

  11. Mandy says:

    Just finished your book. I was diagnosed with RRMS on Christmas Eve (totes amaze balls, right?). Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I don’t know you in real life, but by reading your book I feel like we are friends. Kick ass friends. Catching up on your blog as we speak.

    • stumbling in flats says:

      OMG, you poor thing! Christmas Eve??
      I’m so, so glad to hear you enjoyed the book!! We’re all in this together πŸ™‚
      p.s. if you need any advice, just drop me a line πŸ™‚

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